Contact Dr. Aaron Pryor & His Team

Contact Dr. Pryor & His Team

pryor family dentistry modern logo

Aaron Pryor, DDS

201 Signature Pl
Lebanon, TN 37087
Click for map & directions

New Patient Hotline

(615) 994-0935

Existing Patients Call

(615) 444-7999

Dr. Aaron Pryor would like to welcome you to his practice. Request an appointment below or claim your free implant consultation.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency such as a lost filling, cracked or lost tooth, an abscess, or severe pain, please fill out this form or call us. If you contact us before 2:30pm it is likely we will be able to give you immediate attention.

Are you new to our practice?(Required)



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Easy Patient Financing

CareCredit® is a healthcare credit card designed for your health, beauty, and wellness needs. We also accept PatientFi which provides financing for larger healthcare procedures including dentistry or medical care. They’re both ways to pay for the costs of many treatments and procedures and allows you to make convenient monthly payments.